
The University of the Incarnate Word's College of Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences (CHASS) 自豪地为不同专业的本科生提供学术奖学金.

View Scholarship Information By Department

3月15日至4月15日接受美术专业学生奖学金申请. 请以幻灯片、CD或作品集的形式提交12件原创作品.

学生可将作品邮寄至凯尔索艺术中心109室(美术大楼)美术系的Roland Sul或邮寄至:

Art Department
University of the Incarnate Word
4301 Broadway CPO 345
San Antonio, TX 78209

提交的材料必须包括学生的姓名、地址、电话号码和电子邮件地址. Award announcements will be made by May 15.

欲了解更多信息,请联系米格尔·科蒂纳斯教授,艺术系主席,电话:(210)829-3861或,或Art Gallery Director Roland Sul,电话:(210)829-3852或

在uw参加乐队可以享受学费折扣. The list of Tuition Credits, also known as “Band Scholarships,通常会在第一周课程结束时寄到经济援助办公室,并在接下来的一周出现在学生的账户上.

Please get in touch with Prof. Nieves Villaseñor at for more details.

音乐系提供以下四种类型的奖学金. To receive any type of scholarship, 学生必须将奖学金接受表格(与获奖信一起邮寄)交回Melinda Wright ( 在填妥并交回此表格之前,奖学金将不予发放. Please contact the Office of Financial Aid 了解您的奖学金如何适用于您的帐户.

Annually Renewable Music Scholarships

学生可以获得每年可更新的音乐奖学金,最高可达4美元,000 per academic year for music majors, or up to $800 per academic year for music minors. 这些奖学金颁发给那些表现出显著音乐天赋和在所选音乐项目中表现出巨大成功潜力的学生. 入学的学生必须在他们计划就读UIW的日历年的1月或2月进行面试. 目前未获得最高金额的学生可以在1月份试镜,以增加年度奖励.

These scholarships are renewable for five years. The award is contingent upon the following conditions:

  1. 每个学期保持全日制状态(至少12个学分)
  2. Enrollment in a major departmental ensemble (Chorale, Marching Band, 管乐团或管弦乐团)在每个学期的奖项, 除非获音乐学院豁免实习或学生教学
  3. 完成学位要求的明显进展
  4. Maintenance of an overall GPA of 3.0 or higher

不符合这些条件的学生将被取消奖学金. uw音乐系也有权在任何时候根据不满意的课堂表现或过多的缺课而终止任何音乐奖学金.

Detailed information about audition dates as well as Scholarship Audition Forms 将会在音乐系的网站上公布并通过电子邮件发送.

One-Year Music Scholarships

一年的音乐奖学金提供给在秋季学期没有通过试镜获得最高金额的音乐系学生. Awards are disbursed in the spring semester. 符合条件的二年级学生和高年级学生的总平均成绩必须达到3分.0, and first-year students must have a minimum GPA of 3.0 at the end of their first full semester. One-year scholarships are not renewable. 学生必须在1月份重新试镜,以考虑每年可更新的奖学金(见上文)。.

One-Year Scholarship Audition Form

Ensemble Scholarships

合奏团奖学金由合奏团主任酌情颁发. 学生必须注册合奏团才能获得合奏团奖学金. 详情和资格咨询合奏导演.

Endowed Scholarships

音乐系根据学业成绩提供有限数量的一年奖学金. 在秋季学期,学校会向在读学生发出申请奖学金的通知.

Other University Scholarships

学院强烈鼓励未来的和现在的学生探索系外的奖学金机会. Some of these opportunities are described on UIW's Grants and Scholarships webpage.

For more detailed information, consult the UIW Student Handbook Section XII.

Online Scholarship Auditions/Callbacks

Depending upon your GPA and standardized test scores, 学生可能有资格获得uw优秀奖学金和其他经济援助. 欲了解更多信息,请致电uw财政援助办公室(210)829-6008或访问uw财务援助办公室 UIW Financial Aid web site.

Theatre Arts scholarships range from $500 - $4,000. 戏剧艺术系根据学生的试镜和/或作品集颁发这些奖学金. 未来的学生必须申请并被大学录取才能申请任何奖学金. Graduating high school students with a minimum of 2.5 GPA or college students with a minimum of 2.5 GPA may compete for a scholarship.

How to Compete for a Theatre Arts Scholarship


UIW Theatre Arts faculty typically attends the annual Texas Educational Theatre Association 大会、大圣安东尼奥海选和北德克萨斯海选招收学生. 希望竞争奖学金的学生也可以在UIW校园进行个人面试.


  • Each applicant must submit a resume, 照片(不可退还)和两封面试推荐信.
  • 学生表演者应表演两种对比鲜明的独白(喜剧/严肃,古典/当代). 这两段独白的最长时间是四分钟.
  • 对戏剧设计/技术感兴趣的学生应该展示他们的艺术作品组合, earlier designs, 剧院技术产品和任何其他设计技术相关作品的陈述.
  • 如果距离有问题,学生表演者可以发送两段独白的视频试镜. DVD format is preferred. Similarly, 对设计/技术感兴趣的学生可以将他们的作品集邮寄给我们, 使用UPS,并提供适当的保险和跟踪号码,以确保安全,及时交货.

To schedule an audition or portfolio review, contact Brooke Arnold at (210) 829-3810 or